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World Confucian Culture Museum Everyone who visited our homepage! welcome.
  • Viewing/Venue Rental
  • VR Tour
  • operating time
    • Opening hours 09:00~18:00(Admission closes at 17:30)
    • Closed New Year’s Day, Lunar New Year, Chuseok

Permanent Exhibitions

EXHIBITION Permanent Exhibitions at the World Confucian Culture Museum The permanent exhibition hall of the World Confucian Culture Museum consists of digital materials. Various digital materials allow visitors to be familiar with Confucian culture. Visitors can contemplate the footsteps of Confucian culture, and the Confucian culture that must move forward with humans by viewing the exhibitions from multiple perspectives and dimensions.

Spirit of Confucianism Hall

유교정신관 이미지

In the Spirt of Confucianism Hall, visitors can see the teachings and development process of Confucianism, and the spirit and learning of major philosophers through comparative exhibitions in four East Asian countries (Korea, China, Japan, and Vietnam).

Moving line
  • 1

    Introduction to
    “The Great Birth”

  • 2

    Thematic theater

  • 3

    Birth of the Spirit of Confucianism

  • 4

    Chinese Confucianism

  • 5

    Korean Confucianism

  • 6

    Japanese Confucianism

  • 7

    Vietnamese Confucianism

  • 8

    Issues of the Times and Scriptures

  • 9

    Anthologies and Ancient Documents

Confucian Civilization Hall

유교문명관 이미지

The Confucian Civilization Hall explains the Confucian culture, which had a wide influence on national systems, social norms, and individual daily culture, centering on Joseon, which was founded on the fundamental ideology of Neo-Confucianism, a part of Confucianism.

Moving line
  • 1

    Foundation of the Nation

  • 2

    World Pursued
    by Confucian Scholars

  • 3

    Fundamentals of Living Together

  • 4

    Into the Lives of the Public

  • 5


Future of Confucianism Hall

유교미래관 이미지

In the Future of Confucianism Hall, visitors can contemplate on the various issues that they are facing today. What alternatives can they find concerning welfare, environment, gender equality, and education through Confucianism, which aims for a better future?

Moving line
  • 1

    Prologue: “Dreaming for Human Society Once Again”

  • 2

    Welfare-Phosphoric Society

  • 3

    Environment-Harmony of All Creatures, Life Community of Humans and Nature

  • 4

    Gender Equality-Path from Discrimination to Difference

  • 5

    Education-Learning about Being Human

  • 6

    Epilogue-Harmonious but Different (和而不同)
