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World Confucian Culture Museum Everyone who visited our homepage! welcome.
  • Viewing/Venue Rental
  • VR Tour
  • operating time
    • Opening hours 09:00~18:00(Admission closes at 17:30)
    • Closed New Year’s Day, Lunar New Year, Chuseok

Visitor Information

Admission Fees

관람료를 구분, 개인, 단체 순으로 나타낸 표입니다.
Type Individual Group
Citizens of Andong Adult 1,500won 1,250won
Youth & Soldier 1,000won 750won
Children 1,000won 400won
Non-Andong Citizens Adult 3,000won 2,500won
Youth & Soldier 2,000won 1,500won
Children 2,000won 1,500won
  • Opening hours
    09:00 – 18:00 *Admission closes at 17:30.
  • Closed
    New Year’s Day, Lunar New Year, Chuseok

Admission Fee Exemption

  1. 1 State guests, foreign delegation, and their attendants
  2. 2 Infants and toddlers under the age of 6 accompanied by a guardian, or a person over the age of 65
  3. 3 A person on official duties
  4. 4 A person with a disability welfare card and is registered as a disabled person under the Act on Welfare of Persons with Disabilities. However, in the case of a severely disabled person, one guardian is included.
  5. 5 People of national merit, independence patriots, war veterans, 518 people of distinguished service for democracy, people with special tasks, people wounded for a righteous cause, registered ex-prisoner of war, and family members of a prisoner of war from the place of detention
  6. 6 Patients suffering from actual after-effects of defoliants, patients suffering from potential after-effects of defoliants, second-generation patients suffering from actual after-effects of defoliants, and bereaved family members of the patients who suffered from actual after-effects of defoliants
  7. 7 Basic livelihood recipients
  8. 8 Andong citizens who are organ donors or registered as organ donors
  9. 9 Families with multiple children who have the Andong Dabok Family Hope Card
  10. 10 Field trips by daycare centers, kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and universities in the City of Andong, led by homeroom teachers or professors in charge
  11. 11 Officers and/or employees of research groups and specialized institutions visiting for academic purposes
  12. 12 Children on Children's Day or soldiers on Soldier's Day
  13. 13 People who have contributed to the development of the museum by donating or depositing artifacts and contents, and their family members
  14. 14 Other people deemed necessary by the mayor