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Andong International Convention Center Thank you for visiting our website.

Organization Chart

  • President
    • General Manager
      • Management Support Office
    • Business Management Office
      • FM Operation Office
        • Management of Three Major Cultural Areas Establishment Facilities
      • ADCO Andong International Convention Center
        • MICE Attraction and Marketing Part
        • MICE Hosting and Support Part
      • Korean Culture
        Theme Park
        • Attraction / PR / Marketing Part
        • Experience Facility Operation / Management Part
      • World Confucian
        Culture Museum
        • Museum Operation / Management
        • Children’s Exhibition Hall Operation / Management

ADCO Andong International Convention Center

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B1F ADCO 안동국제컨벤션센터에 대해 직위, 성명, 전화번호, E-mail로 나타낸 표입니다.
Position Name TEL Email
Head of Business Management Office
(Head of Marketing/Management of Establishment)
Lee Daseul 054-857-9919 dslee@adco301.com
MICE Attraction and Marketing Senior Manager Kwon Cheol ckwon@adco301.com
Senior Manager Pyeon Boeun bebyeon@adco301.com
Manager Kim Beomgi bkkim@adco301.com
Assistant Manager
MICE Hosting and Support Manager Son Jungbae sonmin75@adco301.com